This part-time position will work with Mountain Youth Network (MYN) staff to facilitate the TREK Teen Council (TREK). TREK Teen Council represents the youth voice in Clear Creek County, acting as an advisory group to Mountain Youth Network to inform community initiatives and youth programming. The TREK Teen Council Coordinator follows the Communities That Care (CTC) model to provide youth with opportunities for community involvement and fulfilling experiences to create a positive future. We believe that young people have the ultimate expertise in the lives of youth and youth culture: "Nothing about us without us." The TREK Coordinator will provide direction, planning, and co-facilitation for all TREK Teen Council outreach and activities. This role will support students in community presentations (TREK Talks), TREK Leadership meetings, and regular outreach events like lunch table announcements, morning greetings, and the annual TREK visioning session. The TREK Teen Council Coordinator follows the Positive Youth Development (PYD) framework to promote protective factors and prevent risk behaviors, including substance use and violence.