O-NETT Howitzer Cannon System Operational Specialist

The Howitzer Cannon System Operational Specialist(s) must:

Have a minimum of five years' operational experience on M777A2 and/or M119A3.

Have a minimum of 2 years' formal instructor experience.

Have a Minimum Secret security clearance required.

Be able to travel; CONUS/OCONUS locations up to 80 percent.

Note: The permanent duty station is Fort Sill, OK.

The Howitzer Cannon System Operational Specialist will:

a) Train on replacement hardware as applicable.

b) Assist Maintenance personnel with installation of new hardware/software when applicable.

c) Train on the Stand-Alone Muzzle Velocity Sensor System (MVSS).

d) Provide refresher training on conducting DFC Confidence Checks.

e) Assist AFATDS Instructors in preparation and set up training.

f) Provide Refresher Training based on lessons learned from issues reported from the field and the theater of operations.

g) Assist the Logistician to ship, track, and issue replacement Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) for Digital Retrofit activities.

h) Develop Training Support PowerPoint presentations for the M777 Howitzer series, M119 Howitzer series and Mobile Howitzer series artillery equipment software and hardware upgrades and train Marines and Army personnel.

i) Provide training in new software versions of training aides, devices, and simulators (i.e. Computer Based Trainer and PC Trainers).

j) Conduct testing in a controlled environment for software versions that are developed on all towed artillery equipment.

k) Provide support for fielding activities as the subject matter expert on the M777 howitzer series, M119 Howitzer series, and Mobile Howitzer series equipment training.

l) Serve as on-site software and hardware weapons technician, installing, troubleshooting and diagnosing equipment issues, and performing root cause and corrective maintenance on all howitzer artillery equipment.

m) Inspect and test howitzer artillery equipment, identifying and correcting deficiencies before equipment is scheduled for use or signed over to commands.

n) Assist in providing quality oversight of fielding activities with a focus on process improvements, technical documentation input, and Command-level briefings.

o) Provide reengineering input for improvement of current weapons platforms to support ongoing and future operations.

p) Perform AFTADS operations in the absence of an AFATDS instructor.